MattScript is an uncreatively named extension to DarkScript3 developed by thefifthmatt which adds additional syntax for control flow and condition expressions for writing advanced scripts with ease. It can be activated in events by defining them with $Event instead of Event. See Learning How To Use EMEVD for an overall tutorial of EMEVD, and Intro to Elden Ring EMEVD for a detailed walkthrough of MattScript in Elden Ring.

On its own, DarkScript3 works by evaluating a JavaScript file which calls many instruction functions. Each instruction function adds an instruction to an event. Inside of Events, you can also use regular JavaScript, like helper functions and loops.

Inside of $Events, JavaScript constructs are instead used to represent control flow logic in the script itself. When saving a file, they are not run as JavaScript directly. They are manually parsed, translated into a list of instructions as a preprocessing step, and then run.

For example, an $Event might have this code:

$Event(11005000, Default, function(X0_4, X4_4, X8_4) {
    if (ThisEventSlot()) {
        DeactivateObject(X4_4, Disabled);
    WaitFor(EntityInRadiusOfEntity(10000, X0_4, 3));
    ForceAnimationPlayback(X4_4, X8_4, false, true, false);
    DeactivateObject(X4_4, Disabled);

When saving a file, it is converted into this equivalent Event which is then executed by DarkScript3:

Event(11005000, Default, function(X0_4, X4_4, X8_4) {
    SkipIfEventFlag(2, OFF, TargetEventFlagType.EventIDAndSlotNumber, 0);
    DeactivateObject(X4_4, Disabled);
    IfEntityInoutsideRadiusOfEntity(MAIN, InsideOutsideState.Inside, 10000, X0_4, 3);
    ForceAnimationPlayback(X4_4, X8_4, false, true, false);
    DeactivateObject(X4_4, Disabled);

Files can be automatically converted to $Event by selecting "Convert To MattScript" in one of two places. It can be done when opening a new emevd file. It can also be performed on an existing JS file from the Edit menu. This will attempt to rewrite the entire file while preserving existing comments, and also show a preview of the converted version. Once you have a converted file, you can also preview its simpler compiled form in the View menu.

Condition expressions

$Events add condition functions for things which would otherwise be standalone instructions. These can only be used in a few specific places: if statements, built-in control flow commands like WaitFor, and condition variables. These are all turned into various instructions in the end.

A condition function cannot be used as an argument to another function or instruction. It can only be used in specific constructs described below.

A very commonly used condition function is event flag state, which is represented with EventFlag(400) to check if a flag is on and !EventFlag(400) to check if it's off. Most condition checks can be negated in this way. In the final EMEVD, this function will be compiled into IfEventFlag, EndIfEventFlag, SkipIfEventFlag, or GotoIfEventFlag depending on how it's used.

Most condition functions have multiple versions. For instance, there is a version of item ownership check with all possible arguments PlayerHasdoesntHaveItem(ItemType.Goods, 9405, OwnershipState.DoesntOwn), but there's also a shorter version where the yes/no enum is turned into regular negation, as !PlayerHasItem(ItemType.Goods, 9405). The longer version is only used in decompilation if this isn't possible, like if the enum is parameterized.

Condition functions based on comparing numerical values can also use comparison operators directly. The condition function CompareHPRatio(10000, ComparisonType.LessOrEqual, 0, ComparisonType.Equal, 1) can be represented in the shorter form HPRatio(10000) <= 0. The last two entity-group-related arguments are also allowed to be optional. For comparisons like this, the function call is always on the left side. It is forbidden to call HPRatio outside of a comparison. Direct numerical comparisons like X0_4 != 0 are also permitted, using instructions like IfParameterComparison under the hood.

As a simple example, suppose there is an area in the map, and as long as a fight is active, we want to slowly auto-heal the player as long as they are under 70% HP and in that area. A simple version of that might be as follows:

$Event(13705010, Restart, function() {
    WaitFor(InArea(10000, 3704310));
    if (HPRatio(10000) < 0.7) {
        SetSpEffect(10000, 4099);

Three condition functions are used here, InArea, EventFlag, and HPRatio. Clicking on any of them in DarkScript3, you can see their arguments and alternate versions in the doc view.

WaitFor is the only way to make a script temporarily stop based on a condition. if, EndIf, and everything else all check if the condition is true at that very moment and then act immediately based on that.

Finally, condition functions can be combined using the logical operators && and ||. A more standard way of writing the event might be as follows:

$Event(13705010, Restart, function() {
    WaitFor(InArea(10000, 3704310) && HPRatio(10000) < 0.7);
    SetSpEffect(10000, 4099);

One useful trick for dealing with boolean logic is De Morgan's law, which is a way to rewrite conditions without changing behavior. In general, !(a && b && c) (not all of them true) can be rewritten as !a || !b || !c (at least one of them false), and !(a || b || c) (none of them true) can be rewritten as !a && !b && !c (all of them false). Basically, switch the inner/outer !s and switch the operator. This applies to events like this:

$Event(9182, Default, function() {
    EndIf(!CharacterType(10000, TargetType.Alive));
    SetEventFlag(9184, OFF);
    WaitFor(HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.ConnectingtoMultiplayer) && !HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.Multiplayer));
    SetEventFlag(9184, ON);
    WaitFor(!HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.ConnectingtoMultiplayer) || HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.Multiplayer));

Which is equivalent to the following:

$Event(9182, Default, function() {
    EndIf(!CharacterType(10000, TargetType.Alive));
    SetEventFlag(9184, OFF);
    WaitFor(HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.ConnectingtoMultiplayer) && !HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.Multiplayer));
    SetEventFlag(9184, ON);
    WaitFor(!(HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.ConnectingtoMultiplayer) && !HasMultiplayerState(MultiplayerState.Multiplayer)));

Condition variables

An even more fromsoft-ian way of structuring the 70% HP example might be as follows, which brings us to condition variables:

$Event(13705010, Restart, function() {
    fightOver = EventFlag(13700860);
    WaitFor(fightOver || (InArea(10000, 3704310) && HPRatio(10000) < 0.7));
    SetSpEffect(10000, 4099);

Every x = y statement in an $Event is assumed to be a condition variable assignment (excluding const declarations; see below). They allow more direct access to condition groups.

For the most part, $Event hides details of how condition groups are structured. Expressions using || and && are converted to use them, like this:

$Event(13705011, Restart, function() {
    WaitFor(InArea(10000, 3704310) && HPRatio(10000) < 0.7);

This is compiled down to this low-level representation:

Event(13705011, Restart, function() {
    IfInoutsideArea(AND_01, InsideOutsideState.Inside, 10000, 3704310, 1);
    IfCharacterHPRatio(AND_01, 10000, ComparisonType.Less, 0.7, ComparisonType.Equal, 1);
    IfConditionGroup(MAIN, PASS, AND_01);

Another way of writing the event using an explicit condition variable would be like this. (Note: it is strongly recommended to use the && expression instead, because explicit groups aren't automatically reused and there is a finite number of total groups.)

$Event(13705011, Restart, function() {
    areaLowHp &= InArea(10000, 3704310);
    areaLowHp &= HPRatio(10000) < 0.7;

A summary of their rules:

  1. Every assignment to a condition group/variable adds another thing to check for when evaluating it.
  2. Regular condition groups/variables come in two types, AND groups and OR groups. Adding a condition to an AND group adds another thing that must be true. Adding a condition to an OR group adds an alternative way for it to be true.
    These are represented using the &= and |= assignment operators in $Events. These operators add a new condition to the given condition variable (which does not need to be declared in advance). You can also use = for standalone assignments, which will automatically turn into either &= or |= during compilation as appropriate.
  3. After a WaitFor passes (also called the MAIN group, a special group that waits for its condition to become true), all condition variable conditions are cleared. All of their previous requirements are forgotten, and must be redeclared if they are to be reused in the same way.
  4. However, after a WaitFor, it does remember which conditions were true or false at the time the overall check succeeded. This is called "compiled" condition group state in regular emevd, and is represented by a made-up property called .Passed here.
  5. (edge cases) .Passed values will persist across multiple WaitFors as long as their condition groups are not redeclared and ClearCompiledConditionGroupState() is not used. If condition variables are referenced without being assigned to (don't do this!), they are true by default, except for unassigned .Passed expressions which are false by default.

tl;dr: Do not reuse condition variables after a WaitFor to reuse their logic!! The most you can do is either redeclare their logic or check myCond.Passed retroactively.

Note that condition variables named and01/or02/etc. will directly use that condition group number, but it is preferable to use more descriptive names where possible.

A common usage of condition variables is to have conditions whose definitions can change based on event parameters, like this excerpt from the DS3 fog gate traversal event:

$Event(20005800, Restart, function(X0_4, X4_4, X8_4, X12_4, X16_4, X20_4, X24_4, X28_4) {
    if (X28_4 != 0) {
        areaFlag |= InArea(10000, X28_4);
    areaFlag |= EventFlag(X24_4);
    cond &= areaFlag && !PlayerIsNotInOwnWorld();

Plenty of other interesting uses are possible, like this Sekiro event. Condition variables can basically be used anywhere a condition is expected, not just in WaitFors.

$Event(11105130, Restart, function() {
    SetEventFlag(11100130, OFF);
    if (!EventFlag(8302)) {
        flag |= EventFlag(11100301);
    if (EventFlag(8302)) {
        flag |= EventFlag(11100480);
    if (flag) {
        SetEventFlag(11100130, ON);
        EventFlagState(CHANGE, TargetEventFlagType.EventFlag, 8302)
            || EventFlagState(CHANGE, TargetEventFlagType.EventFlag, 11100301)
            || EventFlagState(CHANGE, TargetEventFlagType.EventFlag, 11100480));

In this case, you could also implement it as follows, although this uses slightly more condition groups behind the scenes.

$Event(11105130, Restart, function() {
    if ((!EventFlag(8302) && EventFlag(11100301)) || (EventFlag(8302) && EventFlag(11100480))) {
        SetEventFlag(11100130, ON);
    } else {
        SetEventFlag(11100130, OFF);

The key thing to keep in mind is that conditions will keep accumulating until a WaitFor, after which point they will be wiped out.

Control flow

$Events have a bunch of built-in commands which are used to support condition functions and various high-level control flow constructs.


Pauses execution if the given condition is not true, and unpauses it when it becomes true.

In plain emevd, this corresponds to MAIN group evaluation.

EndEvent(), RestartEvent()

Ends or restarts the event.

These are directly equivalent to EndUnconditionally in plain emevd.

EndIf(cond), RestartIf(cond)

Ends or restarts the event if the condition is true, and continues to the next instruction otherwise.

This is equivalent to various EndIf instructions in plain emevd.

if (cond), else

Enters the if block if the condition is true. Otherwise, if there is an else block, it enters that that.

This is syntactic sugar for various skip/goto statements. It will turn into a goto rather than a skip if it's in a game that supports labels and there's a label command on the jump target.


These are declared as JavaScript labels, and they come in two types.

The first is a label command, only available in Bloodborne onwards, and these are represented using labels name L0 L1 all the way up to L20.

The second is a synthetic label only used within the compiler for calculating skip line amounts. It can be named anything.

A toy example of their use:

$Event(9194, Default, function() {
    GotoIf(L0, EventFlag(6006));
    SetEventFlag(6006, OFF);


Event(9194, Default, function() {
    GotoIfEventFlag(Label.LABEL0, ON, TargetEventFlagType.EventFlag, 6006);
    SetEventFlag(6006, OFF);
    IfEventFlag(MAIN, ON, TargetEventFlagType.EventFlag, 6007);

One downside of using JavaScript labels is that they must always have a statement following them, so in order to use a label at the end of an event or block, you can use the fake NoOp(); (no operation) command as a label target. As the name implies, it completely disappears in compilation.


Jumps to the given real or synthetic label by name. Jumps are only allowed in a forwards direction. If you want to revisit previous parts of an event, you must carefully restart it. Probably split the looping part off into its own event.

Gotos are turned into GotoUnconditionally and SkipUnconditionally instructions depending on whether real labels are used or not.

GotoIf(label, cond)

Jumps to the given real or synthetic label if the condition is true, otherwise continues to the next line.

GotoIfs are turned into various GotoIf and SkipIf instructions in plain emevd depending on whether real labels are used or not.

Mixing regular JavaScript

Because JavaScript is mainly used for condition group definitions and for emevd control flow, the use of JavaScript for script-writing helpers is limited in $Events.

There are a few places where you can use arbitrary JavaScript which will be left as-is when evaluating the event script. This should be done carefully! These are basically like macros, and are useful for organizing scripts, but not used by the game itself.

Const variable declarations in events are permitted. An example of constants and simple expressions:

$Event(13105265, Restart, function() {
    const bossEntity = 3100395;
    WaitFor(CharacterAIState(bossEntity, AIStateType.Combat));
    SetSpEffect(bossEntity, 15999);
    WaitFixedTimeSeconds(60 * buffMinutes[bossEntity]);
    ClearSpEffect(bossEntity, 15999);

Calls to standalone functions are also left as-is, as long as their names start with a lowercase character. For the moment, MattScript can only call non-MattScript, so try not to use condition registers in helper functions until it's properly supported. These functions can be defined in other JS files when they are imported as modules.

For loops

For loops are specially processed by MattScript. The loop definition itself is retained as pure JS, but the contents are compiled. Regular for-loops (with let variables) and for-of-loops (with const variables) are supported. For instance, this lets you define an array of enemies, and make some combined condition from them.

$Event(13105266, Restart, function() {
    const bossEntities = [3100395, 3100398, 3100399];
    for (const id of bossEntities) {
        allDead &= CharacterDead(id);

The main restriction with loops is that all condition variables must be explicitly defined with either |= or &=, to avoid loop iterations interfering with each other. You can freely use if (EventFlag(id)), since this condition does not require a condition variable, but you cannot do WaitFor(CharacterDead(id)); without separating out the condition into its own variable.

In cases where you're repeating a series of if statements which require condition variables, this is fairly difficult even without MattScript. You can use a no-op condition group reset in between iterations.

$Event(13105267, Restart, function() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        const id = 3100380 + i;
        dead |= CharacterDead(id);
        if (dead) {
            ChangeCharacterEnableState(id, Disabled);