In DSR and other games, TaskMan is a global object that handles "tasks". Every frame, it runs the tasks that have been queued, until they voluntarily mark themselves to end.

Each task is a class that has a series of "Steps", which are like nodes in a state machine. Each step performs a set of actions, and is responsible for selecting which of it's own steps runs next. It can also queue other tasks.

List of tasks used in DSR:
140279200 SysStep (sets up a lot of other tasks)
14025e600 BootDrawStep
14025ef50 DbgDispStep
140267d20 PrefetchFileStep
140279ee0 InGameStayStep
140808f30 TitleStep_forWin32
14027bd30 InGameStep
14028dc50 RemoManStep (handles cutscenes sync over network)
14024eae0 MoveMapStep (processes a lot of in-game character simulation)
14028c920 TestNetStep
140286f80 InGameMenuStep (handles game menus)
140285680 CommonMenuStep (handles option menus)
14010cee0 ClientController (handles network state for if we're the guest in a session)
140114560 HostController (handles network state for if we're the host of a session)
14011a720 HostController_KeywordTeam
1407eef40 FrpgNetSysStep
1400ccbf0 FrpgNetConnectManStep
1400cd7f0 FrpgNetConnectStep