Dark souls 1
midstSfxId | ID of ffx to use while effect is active |
midstSeId | ID of sound to use while effect is active |
initSfxId | ID of ffx to use when effect is first added |
initSeId | ID of sound to use when effect is first added |
finishSfxId | ID of ffx to use when effect is removed |
finishSeId | ID of ffx to use when effect is removed |
camouflageBeginDist | |
camouflageEndDist | |
transformProtectorId | |
midstDmyId | ID of DummyPoly to use for while effect is active FFX |
initDmyId | ID of DummyPoly to use for when effect is first added FFX |
finishDmyId | ID of DummyPoly to use for when effect is removed FFX |
effectType | |
soulParamIdForWepEnchant | |
playCategory | |
playPriority | |
existEffectForLarge | |
existEffectForSoul | Offsets FFX ID for "large" enemies |
effectInvisibleAtCamouflage | |
useCamouflage | |
invisibleAtFriendCamouflage | |
addMapAreaBlockOffset | |
halfCamouflage | |
isFullBodyTransformProtectorId | |
isInvisibleWeapon | Makes right weapon invisible (hidden weapon sorcery) |
isSilence | Makes effect owner produce no sound (Hush sorcery, Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring) |